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Mindfulness Matters: Simple Practices to Reduce Stress and Improve Mood

Seeking inner peace and mindfulness should be at the top of everyone’s list. Not only should we keep our bodies fit and healthy, but our minds must be in healthy, fit shape too. Being happy is one thing—but emotions can be fleeting. Practicing mindfulness can strengthen your mind and shape your entire reality.

Mindfulness can truly transform your life. It not only reduces stress, but it can greatly improve your mood. With all of the daily stressors—partners, work, kids, pets, endless baby shower invites, etc.—we could all use a little more stressless days.

What is Mindfulness?

According to Psychology Today, mindfulness can be defined as “a state of active, open attention to the present.” It is the act of refraining from judging thoughts and feelings, but instead observing them and sitting with them.

Mindfulness occurs when you choose to practice gently focusing on your present moment. Focusing on how you feel in the current moment, and not making meaning of it, roots yourself into the now and engages the body-mind connection. It is a great way to declutter your mind. Paying attention to different sensations in your body can help achieve mindfulness and staying in the present moment.

Mindfulness can be practiced all throughout the day. Many common times to practice mindfulness can include the following but are not limited to:

  • Yoga
  • Cleaning
  • Walking
  • Cooking
  • Reading
  • Sitting quietly
  • Painting
  • And more

Mindfulness can be aligned as a form of walking meditation. This awareness of your present moment allows the mind and body to take pause, teaching the brain not to jump into the future or think about the past.

Why Mindfulness Matters

Mindfulness is one of the most important practices we can do every day of our lives. The numerous health benefits are reason enough to start your mindfulness practice today.

The most common health benefits of practicing mindfulness are:

  • Reduction of stress
  • Improvement of mood
  • Regulation of emotions
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Improve sleep
  • Reduction of depression symptoms
  • Helps to cope with pain
  • Reduction of binge eating/assistance with emotional eating
  • Overall more positive look at life

The list of benefits mindfulness provides can greatly improve all areas of your life. When you switch your mindset to a positive one and choose to stay in the present moment, you can take control of what you can, and learn to surrender and sit with what you cannot.

Simple Mindfulness Practices

If you are ready to begin your journey to mindfulness, inner peace, and to reduce that pesky stress in your life, these practices are the perfect way to start. Proven by top professionals in the mental health and wellness industries, the practices can change your life:

Simply sit

Now this may be one of the hardest practices out there. All it requires is simply sitting. With yourself. With our thoughts. With your mind. It sounds way easier than it is at the start, but it may be more difficult than you believe.

With daily practice, this exercise will become second and then first nature to you. Learning to sit is the cornerstone of your mindfulness journey. It is quite easy to begin and does not require a specific time limit. Begin with 1 minute, sitting quietly, and see how you feel. Then go to 2 minutes, 3 minutes, 4 minutes… until you feel you are finished.

Here is more guidance on how to learn to simply sit:

  • Sit up straight, yet relaxed. Keep your feet firmly on the ground. Eyes can be opened or closed.
  • Put your hands on top of your thighs or in a comfortable position—no crossing arms.
  • Bring your attention to your breath. Focus on the inhale in and the exhale out.
  • After a minute or so, if you closed your eyes, slowly blink them open. Allow yourself to feel the different sensations in your body (and in your mind).
  • Go about your daily activities and feel the difference!

After simply sitting still and observing the different sensations, sounds, and energies around you, you undoubtedly will have a calmer, quieter mind. This is a great place to start practicing intentional and active mindfulness.

Go for a walk

It has been proven for decades that ‘simply taking a walk’ can greatly benefit your overall health and your mood. Begin somewhere in your home or wherever you are.

Pay attention to your glide, the sensations, the rhythm of your footsteps. How does your breathing feel? Do your best to not force the air in and out a certain way or to try and achieve a certain number of steps.

You can also match each footstep to your breath. For example, inhale and count three steps, then exhale and count three steps. This rhythmic movement will slow your heartrate, mind, and bring a feeling of overall inner peace. Thich Nhat Hanh was recorded saying: “With each step, a gentle wind blows.” You can include daily walks into your regime as a part of a healthy, balanced, harmonious lifestyle. Not only is it a great physical activity for your body, but it does wonders for the mind.

Pen and paper

Mindful writing is one of the most powerful forms of meditation and mindfulness. Writing is an incredibly powerful tool and can even be used to heal trauma.

Writing brings you into the current moment. It even allows you to focus so deeply, you can feel like you are back in the moment you are reflecting on. Bearing witness to life offers endless writing opportunities. It connects us to the world around us and our perception of those experiences. Writing is a great way to express ourselves, which can bring inner peace and harmony.

Here are simple ways to get started writing mindfully:

  • Pick out a journal of your choosing
  • Once a day, write something down. It can be random thoughts, feelings, or observations. Let it flow.
  • Write down what you are learning and sensing from the experience of writing things down. This is a great way to solidify your mind in the present.
  • Free write. This means jotting down anything that comes to mind. Another term for this is “brain dump”, and most people feel a sense of relief and euphoria after this practice.
  • Create a list of things you are grateful for. Practicing gratitude is a proven way to improve your mood and reduce stress.

Start your day with a purpose

Another successful method to achieving mindfulness is the moment you open your eyes in the morning. Begin your day with intention and purpose. This intention is the underlying motivation that can dictate how your day goes. With the right mindset, it will be the right kind of day.

The unconscious brain typically helms our behaviors, moods, and decision-making; therefore, this exercise aligns your unconscious and conscious thinking together. This can help with motivation, positivity, and an overall sense of calm and peace.

Here are the best tips to start waking up with mindfulness:

  • Upon opening your eyes, allow yourself a deep, slow stretch.
  • Sit up slowly or in a relaxed position. Close your eyes and feel the sensations in your body.
  • Take several nourishing breaths in your nose, hold, then release out your mouth. Next, allow your breathing to return to normal. Notice the sensations after those deep calming breaths.
  • Set your intention. Ask yourself what your intention is going to be for the day. This is a great way to lay the foundation for the type of day you want to have.
  • Now start your day as usual!

Remember to check in with yourself throughout the day. Notice how you are feeling, the sensations you are feeling, and think about the intention you set in the morning.

Mindful eating

Food is medicine. If you are not eating mindfully, chances are, your emotions may be more negative and you can experience uncomfortable symptoms of stress. Poor nutrition and diet can lead to inflammation. An improper diet can even increase symptoms of anxiety, depression, and overall feelings of malaise.

Here are the top foods that contribute to anxiety and depression:

  • Processed meats
  • Packaged snack foods
  • Breakfast cereals
  • Cookies
  • Chips
  • Sugar-sweetened drinks
  • Bread

By practicing mindful eating, you can take control of regulating your emotions, mood, and stress. Start by taking a deep breath before you begin eating. Allow yourself to relish in every bite. Feel yourself chewing and swallowing the food, savoring the taste.

This helps make eating a richer, more enjoyable experience. Not only is this good for your digestion, but it also contributes to satisfying more needs and senses in your body, nourishing everything in the body and mind.

Listen to your body. Know when you are done eating, and only eat when you are hungry. Peaceful eating enlivens the indulgent experience. Eat nice and slow, breathing deeply, noticing everything the experience has to offer you.

Final Thoughts on Mindfulness

Mindfulness can significantly change your life. By practicing daily mindfulness exercises, your mood will improve, you will feel better, and live a more enriched life. You will feel your stress levels drop and peace enter your being.

If you are looking to stay and relish the present moment, mindfulness exercises are the best way to get started. By starting your day with an intention, mindfully eating, taking a walk, simply sitting with yourself, and writing down your observations, you can reform your entire life.

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